

词汇 work out
work out A. intransitive verb (exercise) 锻炼 duànliàn (develop in a successful way) «events, situation» 有进展 yǒu jìnzhǎn their marriage didn't work out 他们的婚姻不美满 sometimes things just work out that way 有时候事情的结果就是那样 I hope things work out for him 我希望他顺利 (be solvable) «problem» 被解决 bèi jiějué I can't get this equation to work out 我无法解出这个方程 (be calculated) «total, figures» 被算出 bèi suànchū to work out at or US to sth; 总数为某数 (come out) «piece, plug» 脱出 tuōchū B. [work sth out, work out sth] transitive verb (calculate) 算出 suànchū figure, average, wagesto work sth out at or US to sth 算出某物为某数 (solve) 解决 jiějué problem; 解开 jiěkāi riddle, clue; 破译 pòyì code(deduce) 弄懂 nòngdǒng answer, reason, meaningto work out who/what/where etc.确定谁/什么/哪里等… (devise) 制订 zhìdìng planthe details still have to be worked out 细节仍有待确定 usually passive (exhaust) 把…开采光 bǎ… kāicǎi guāng land, minea worked-out silver mine 采尽的银矿 Administration 持续工作到 chíxù gōngzuò dào period of timeto work out one's notice 工作到期满 C. [work sb out, work out sb] transitive verb informal 了解…的性格 liǎojiě… de xìnggé I can't work her out 我摸不透她的脾气 D. to work itself out reflexive verb «problem, situation» 逐步自行解决 zhúbù zìxíng jiějué things will work themselves out 事情终将自动了结




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