

词汇 worry
worry | BrE ˈwʌri, AmE ˈwəri | A. intransitive verb 担心 dānxīn to worry about sb/sth/doing sth 担心某人/某事物/做某事 to worry for sth 为某事物担心 don't worry (about me/the car) 别(为我/为汽车)担心 there's nothing to worry about 没什么好担心的 not to worry 没事儿 don't you worry! 你尽管放心! B. transitive verb (be anxious about) to worry that …; 担心… dānxīn… to worry whether or if …; 担心是否… dānxīn shìfǒu… (make anxious) «situation, event, person» 使…担心 shǐ… dānxīn personit worries me that … 使我发愁的是… I don't want to worry you but … 我不想让你担心,可是… (bother) «situation, state of affairs» 烦扰 fánrǎo personit wouldn't worry me if we didn't have a TV 我们就算没有电视机,我也不在乎 (chase) «dog» 追逐 zhuīzhú livestock (toss about) «dog» 撕咬 sīyǎo object, boneC. to worry oneself reflexive verb to worry oneself about sth/sb; 担忧某事物/某人 dānyōu mǒu shìwù/mǒu rén to worry oneself sick over sth 为某事物愁得生病 wèi mǒu shìwù chóu de shēngbìng D. noun uncountable (anxiety) 忧虑 yōulǜ to cause sb a lot of worry 使某人非常焦虑 a life free from worry 无忧无虑的生活 countable (trouble, problem) 令人担忧的事物 lìng rén dānyōu de shìwù financial worries 财务上的烦恼 sb's only/main worry is (that) … 某人唯一/主要的担心是… to be the least of sb's worries 是某人最不担心的 to be a worry to sb 让某人发愁 no worries! Australian, New Zealand informal 没什么! PHRASAL VERB worry at transitive verb [worry at sth] (toss about) «dog» 撕咬 sīyǎo toy, bone(fiddle with) 拉扯 lāche ring, hairhe began to worry at the knot in the cord 他开始解绳子上的结




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