

词汇 boot
boot1 | BrE buːt, AmE but | A. noun (footwear) 靴子 xuēzi a sports boot 运动靴 the boot is on the other foot British figurative 情况正好相反 to put the boot in British informal 猛踢 měng tī figurative 落井下石 luò jǐng xià shí to lick sb's boots figurative 拍某人的马屁 to be too big for one's boots 变得自以为是 informal (dismissal) 解雇 jiěgù to get the boot (be dismissed from job) 被解雇 (be deserted) 被抛弃 to give sb the boot (dismiss from job) 解雇某人 (end relationship with) 抛弃某人 British Motor Vehicles 行李箱 xínglixiāng B. transitive verb informal (kick) 猛踢 měng tī person, ball Computing 启动 qǐdòng operating system, programC. intransitive verb Computing 启动 qǐdòng PHRASAL VERBS boot out: transitive verb [boot sb/sth out, boot out sb/sth] informal 赶走 gǎnzǒu to boot sb out of sth; 把某人赶出某地 she was booted out of Yale for cheating in an exam 她因为考试作弊被耶鲁大学开除 boot up: transitive verb [boot sth up, boot up sth] 启动 qǐdòng computer




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