

lún A. noun 车轮wheel 十轮大卡车 ten-wheel truck 四轮马车 four-wheeled carriage 轮胎, 车轮, 齿轮, 滑轮 轮状物ring 耳轮, 年轮 轮船steamer 轮船, 渡轮, 货轮 12年a cycle of twelve years 我比他大一轮。 I am twelve years older than him. B. verb take turns 轮到她了。 Her turn came. 清扫工作,一人轮一天。 Every day a different person will do the cleaning. 轮班, 轮流, 轮休C. measure word 用于日、月[for the sun, the moon, etc.]一轮红日 a red sun 一轮明月 a bright moon 回合round 新一轮谈判 a new round of talks 比赛第一轮他就把对手打倒了。 He knocked down his opponent in the first round of the match.




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