

zǒnɡ A. verb put together 把两笔账总到一块算 settle the two accounts together 总结, 总括, 汇总B. adjective 全部general 总复习 general review 总预算 master budget 楼房总面积 total floor area 总的情况还不错。 It’s not bad on the whole. 总评 领导性head 总裁, 总公司, 总统C. adverb always 他上班总是迟到。 He was always late for work. 他看起来总是这么年轻。 He always looks young. 毕竟sooner or later 个人的力量总是有限的。 The power of an individual is after all limited. 将来总会好起来的。 Things will certainly grow better in the future. 严冬总会过去的。 The severe winter will pass sooner or later. 大概probably 这房子总有十多年了。 This house is probably over ten years old.




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