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A. noun 计量长短linear measure 度量衡 法则rules 尺度, 制度 限度limit 劳累过度 be overworked 烟酒无度 smoke and drink without restraint 挥霍无度, 适度 考虑consideration 把生死置之度外 give no thought to personal safety 程度extent 长度, 透明度, 知名度 容忍度magnanimity 度量, 气度 风度manner 风度, 态度 指时间或空间limited time or space 国度, 年度B. measure word 指温度、角度degree 零下30多度 more than 30 degrees below zero 45度角 angle of 45 degrees 北京位于东经116度,北纬40度。 Beijing is located at 40° N and 116° E. 指电量kilowatt-hour 30度电 30 kilowatts 指程度标识degree of intensity 60度的酒 60% proof alcohol 三度烧伤 third-degree burn 指次数occasion 一年一度 once a year 再度声明 restate C. verb literary 越过go beyond 度过spend 度蜜月 spend the honeymoon 欢度春节 have a happy Spring Festival 度日如年, 虚度年华 指佛教或道教preach 超度, 剃度 duó




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