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kǒu A. noun mouth 开口说话 open one’s mouth to speak 病从口入 disease enters through the mouth 口技, 口试, 祸从口出 出口opening 胡同口 mouth of an alley 火山口 mouth of a volcano 瓶口 mouth of a bottle 出口, 封口, 枪口 关口gateway of the Great Wall 张家口 Zhangjiakou 口子hole 报纸上撕了一个口。 There’s a tear in the paper. 墙上裂了道口There is a crack in the wall. 豁口, 决口, 伤口 blade 刀卷口了。 The edge of the knife is blunted. 这把剪刀还没开口。 The scissors have not been sharpened. 刀口 指动物年龄age of an animal 五岁口 five years of age 这牛口还轻。 The ox is still young. 指管理系统departments of a certain type 文教口 departments of education and culture 归口 口味one’s taste 香甜可口 delicious 口轻, 口重 话语talk 口才, 口吃, 口语 人口people 户口, 拖家带口 港口port 出口, 进口, 转口B. measure word [family members, population, mouthfuls, wells, etc.]吸口气 take a breath 咬一口蛋糕 take a bite of a cake 两口棺材/井 two coffins/wells 三口之家 a family of three 一口好牙齿 a mouthful of good teeth 我被蚊子叮了一口。 I was bitten by a mosquito.




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