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jiào A. verb 呼喊shout 大叫一声 give a loud cry 叫好, 叫卖, 叫嚣 鸣叫cry 狗叫 bark 驴叫 bray 羊叫 bleat 猫叫声 the mew of a cat 青蛙/乌鸦呱呱叫。 Frogs/Ravens are croaking. 喜鹊在树上喳喳叫。 A magpie chattered in the tree. 说出be called 孩子会叫爸爸妈妈了吗? Can the child say Daddy and Mummy? 你叫什么名字? What’s your name? 招呼call 叫警察/医生 call the police/a doctor 把他叫回来 call him back 通知send for 叫出租车 call a taxi 再叫两个菜 order some more dishes 要求ask 老师叫他注意拼写。 The teacher told him to watch his spelling. 她叫我送送她。 She asked me to see her off. 允许allow 是谁叫他们早走的? Who let them leave early? B. preposition [used in a passive sentence to introduce the doer of the action]别叫人笑话! Don’t make a fool of yourself. 他的钱包叫人偷了。 He had his wallet stolen. C. adjective dialect [of animal] male 叫驴




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