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1 lái A. verb 过来come 新来的 newcomer 到这来! Come here! 公共汽车来了。 Here comes the bus. 邮件来了吗? Has the post arrived yet? 有空来玩。 Drop round when you have time. 来往 出现arise 今年雨季来得晚。 The rainy season came late this year. 问题来了也不要怕。 Stay cool when a problem arises. a 表示来的目的[used after a verb or verbal expression] come in order to do sth 老师看望大家来了。 Our teacher has come to visit us. b 表示要做某事[used before a verb or a verbal expression] will do sth 让他先来说两句。 Let him say a few words first. 我来讲个故事。 Let me tell you a story. 用于代表具体动词[used as a substitute for a verb so as to avoid repetition]不要跟我来这一套。 Don’t play that trick on me! 唱得真好,再来一个! Bravo! 表动作朝向[used after another verb or verbal phrase to indicate the movement toward the speaker]拿榔头来。 Bring me a hammer. 对面开来一辆警车。 A police car is driving towards us. 表结果[used after a verb to indicate the result or estimation]一觉醒来 after a good sleep 说来话长。 It is a long story. 表目的[used between a verbal or prepositional phrase and a verb or its equivalent with the former indicating the manner or attitude and the latter the purpose]扒着门缝来偷看 take a peep through the slit 我们一定尽最大努力来完成任务。 We will do our best to fulfil the task. 表能力[used with 得 or 不, indicating capability or incapability]我和他还合得来。 I get along with him pretty well. 这道题我做不来。 I can’t work this problem out. B. adjective future 来年, 来日, 继往开来C. noun [used after a time expression, indicating a period of time that extends from the past to this moment]多年来 for many years 几天来 for the last few days 这两年来 over the past two years 别来无恙, 近来, 向来




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