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jiù A. verb 靠近approach 删繁就简 take the simple, less complicated way 就近入学 go to school locally 避重就轻, 驾轻就熟 到达reach 就席, 就座, 各就各位 从事engage in 就寝, 就学, 就业, 就医 顺从comply with 半推半就, 迁就 完成accomplish 就绪, 功成名就, 一蹴而就 搭配go with 就着咸菜吃馒头 have buns with pickles B. preposition by 就此机会谈谈 avail oneself of the opportunity to have a talk 根据with regard to 就目前情况看来 in the light of the present situation 就职工教育问题展开讨论 talk over the problem of staff education [used to form a set phrase with a passive meaning]就擒C. adverb 立刻at once 我就来。 I’m coming in a minute. 马上就走 leave immediately 强调早already 他昨天八点就睡了。 He went to bed as early as 8 o’clock last night. 她十四岁就上了大学。 She went to college when she was only fourteen. 便会then [used after 只要, 要是 to introduce a natural development of the previous statement]要是你没来,我就尴尬了。 If you hadn’t come, I would have been embarrassed. 只要努力,就有可能成功。 If you work hard, you can be successful. 强调数量as many/much as 他光买书就花了500元。 He spent as much as 500 yuan on books alone. 一天就来三次 come as much as three times a day only 就等你一个了。 You’re the only one we’re waiting for. 他就住在附近。 He just lives somewhere nearby. 强调准确exactly 我就知道他会等我们的。 I knew he would be waiting for us. 我要的就是这个。 This is exactly what I want. 表示容忍[used between two identical elements to indicate resignation]五块就五块,我买了。 I’ll take it for five yuan anyhow. D. conjunction even if 你就再等他也不会来。 He won’t come even if you wait even longer.




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