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2 A. conjunction but 别看他年龄小,志气可不小。 Young as he is, he is quite ambitious. 她嘴上不说,可心里偷着乐。 She said nothing, but felt happy at heart. B. adverb 用于陈述句, 表强调[used in a declarative sentence for emphasis]她的脾气可好了。 She has such a good disposition. 昨晚的风可大了。 The wind was really strong last night. 用于感叹句, 表强调[used in an exclamatory sentence for emphasis]你可别忘了! Mind you don’t forget it! 要是让老板发现了,可够你受的! God help you if the boss finds out! 用于反问句, 表强调[used in a rhetorical question for emphasis]这可叫我怎么办呢? What can I do about it? 用于疑问句[used in a question for emphasis]近来可好? How have you been doing? 用于祈使句, 表劝导[used in an imperative sentence for emphasis or persuasion]你可要给我来信啊! Remember to write to me! 下楼梯的时候可得小心呵! Take care going downstairs!




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