

2 tái A. noun 用于远望raised large building or structure 近水楼台 指基座stand 火箭发射台 missile launch pad 灯台, 蜡台, 炮台 指设备stage 登台演讲 mount the platform and deliver a speech 台上只有一个演员。 There was only one actor on the stage. 讲台, 舞台, 主席台 台状物platform-shaped thing 窗台, 锅台 指服务台station 国际台 international broadcasting service 查号台, 气象台 指掌权power 在上次大选中,工党上了台,保守党下了台。 In the last general election, Labour got in and the Conservatives went out. 倒台, 垮台 Tái 指台湾Taiwan 港台地区 Hong Kong and Taiwan regions 台胞, 台盟, 台资B. measure word 用于戏剧、歌舞a whole set of items performed on a single occasion 一台文艺晚会 a theatrical performance 一台戏 a performance 指机器、仪器[used for certain machinery, apparatus, etc.]一台车床 a lathe 一台联合收割机 a combine harvester 两台发电机 two power generators




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