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verb hang over 肩膀上搭着一条毛巾 hang a towel over one’s shoulder 他把手搭在我肩上。 He rested his hand on my shoulder. 乘坐travel by 搭轮船到上海 arrive in Shanghai by ship 我能搭你的车进城吗? Could you give me a lift to town? 搭建put up 搭浮桥 construct a pontoon bridge 搭帐篷 pitch a tent 搭桥 build a bridge 喜鹊在树上搭了个窝。 The magpies nested in the tree. 搭架子, 手搭凉棚 连接touch 千万别让两根电线搭上了。 Make sure that the two wires are not touching. 搭帮, 搭伙 附加add to 差点把命搭上 nearly lose one’s life 买五搭一。 For every five you buy, you will receive one extra. 搭配combine 粗粮和细粮搭着吃有利于健康。 It is good for your health if you combine coarse grain with fine grain foods. lift together 书柜太沉,两个人搭不动。 The bookcase is too heavy for two people to carry.




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