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shì A. pronoun literary this, that 是日 that day 如是 like this 是可忍,孰不可忍 复指宾语[used to introduce the verb]唯利是图, 唯命是从B. verb 联系两种事物a 表判断be 他是工人,我是学生。 He is a worker and I am a student. b 表分类[used with 的 at the end of the sentence, to indicate category, characteristic, etc.]她是教师。 She is a teacher. 屋子里全是人。 The room is full of people. c 表明确[used to indicate actuality]事实总是事实,谁也否认不了。 Facts are facts, and no one can deny them. d 表让步[to indicate concession]东西好是好,就是太贵。 It is good, but it is too expensive. e 表适合[to indicate suitability]你来得正是时候。 You came at just the right time. 这衣柜放得不是地方。 This is not the place for a clothes cabinet. 凡是[used before a noun to indicate each and every one of the kind]是学生就得好好学习。 To be a student is to study hard. 的确[used to indicate certainty, usu stressed]这屋子当教室是太小了。 This room is really too small for a classroom. 昨天我是病了。 I really was ill yesterday. 表强调[used at the beginning of a sentence to stress the word after it]是父母把我们养育大的。 It is our parents who brought us up. 是我。 It’s me. 表选择[used in an alternative or a negative question]你是喝咖啡还是喝茶? What would you like to drink, coffee or tea? 他不是来了吗? Hasn’t he come? literary 肯定be certain 是古非今 praise the past and condemn the present 表答应[used to indicate promise]是,我马上就去。 OK, I’ll go at once. 是,我明白了。 Yes, I’ve got it. C. adjective correct 你说得是。 You’re right. 你应该来早一点才是。 You should have come a little bit earlier. 似是而非, 一无是处, 自以为是D. noun truth 各行其是, 实事求是




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