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词汇 cross
cross | BrE krɒs, AmE krɔs | A. noun (x shape) 叉形 chāxíng ; School (marking as wrong) chā ; (+ shape) 十字形 shízìxíng to make one's cross 画押 Religion (as jewellery, at altar) 十字架 shízìjià ; (as monument) 十字形纪念碑 shízìxíng jìniànbēi ; (as marker) 十字标 shízìbiāo the cross; [钉死耶稣基督的] 十字架 shízìjià to make (sign of) the Cross 用手画十字 figurative (sth to be endured) 磨难 mónàn to take up one's cross 承受磨难 we all have our cross to bear 每人都有自己的苦难要承担 Botany, Zoology 杂交种 zájiāozhǒng ; figurative (mixture) 混合物 hùnhéwù a cross between sth and sth; 某物与某物杂交的产物 a cross between sth/sb and sth/sb; …与…的混合体 the Cross Astronomy 十字星座 shízìxīngzuò (in sewing) on the cross; 沿对角 yán duìjiǎo Sport (in football) 横传 héngchuán ; (in boxing) 钩拳 gōuquán a right cross 右手钩拳 B. adjective (bad-tempered) 坏脾气的 huài píqi de person; (annoyed) 生气的 shēngqì de look, personto be cross with sb; 生某人的气 to be cross about sth/doing sth; 因某事物/做某事生气 to get cross (with sb) (对某人)发脾气 we've never had a cross word 我们从来没吵过架 attributive (transverse) 横向的 héngxiàng de timbers attributive Sport 斜线的 xiéxiàn de shot, volleyC. transitive verb (go across) 穿过 chuānguo land, road, bridge; 渡过 dùguo water, sea; 越过 yuèguo border, mountains; «competitor» 冲过 chōngguo finish line; «aircraft» 飞越 fēiyuè sky; «meteor» 划过 huáguo skyto cross the stage 从舞台的一端走到另一端 to cross the floor (of the House) British Politics 改变立场加入对手政党 to cross sb's palm (with money) 付钱请某人做事 (be across) «road, cable» 横穿 héngchuān land, ceiling; «bridge» 横跨 héngkuà seaa line crossed the page 这一页上画了一条横线 figurative (go across) 超越 chāoyuè generation gap; «look, thought» 掠过 lüèguo face, mindit crossed my mind that … 我突然想到… (intersect) «line, road» 与…相交 yǔ… xiāngjiāo line, road, border; (place crosswise) 使…交叉 shǐ…jiāochā feet, wiresto cross each other 相交 xiāngjiāo to cross paths «people» 相遇 to cross one's arms on or over one's chest 双臂交叉于胸前 to cross one's legs 跷起二郎腿 to cross one's eyes 做斗鸡眼 to cross one's fingers literal 交叉食指与中指 figurative 祈求交好运 qíqiú jiāo hǎoyùn (mark) 在…上打叉 zài… shang dǎ chā choice, box (draw line across) 画横线于 huà héngxiàn yú letter tto cross a cheque British 在支票上画线 [表示只能经银行账户兑现] Religion 用手画十字于 yòng shǒu huà shízì yú oneself, thingI cross my heart (and hope to die) figurative 我发誓(,否则不得好死) (obstruct) 阻挠 zǔnáo personto cross sb in sth; 在某事上反对某人 to be crossed in love 恋爱受挫 Botany, Zoology 使杂交 shǐ zájiāo to cross sth with or and sth; 使…与某物杂交 Sport «player» 横传 héngchuán ballD. intransitive verb (go across) «person, vehicle» 穿过 chuānguo ; «boat» 渡过 dùguo ; «bird, aircraft» 飞过 fēiguo ; «meteor» 划过 huáguo to cross from … (to …); (on land, in room) 穿过…(到…) (over or through water) 渡过…(到…) to cross the river on a ferry 乘渡船过河 to cross into Italy 越过边界进入意大利 (intersect) «road, legs, beams» 交叉 jiāochā our paths cross frequently 我们经常相遇 (pass in opposite directions) «vehicles, bullets» 迎面而过 yíngmiàn ér guò ; «parcels, orders» 错过 cuòguò we crossed in the hall 我们在大厅里擦肩而过 to cross with sth; 与某物交错而过 to cross in the post 在邮寄过程中相互错过 Sport «footballer» 传中 chuánzhōng PHRASAL VERBS cross off: transitive verb [cross sth off, cross off sth] 把…画掉 bǎ… huàdiào name, itemto cross sth/sb off sth; 把某物/某人从某处画掉 cross out: transitive verb [cross sth out, cross out sth] 把…画掉 bǎ… huàdiào text, letter, namecross over A. intransitive verb (go across) «pedestrian» 过马路 guò mǎlù to cross over to figurative 转变立场投靠 zhuǎnbiàn lìchǎng tóukào political party(intersect) «railway tracks» 相交 xiāngjiāo ; «ideas» 融合 rónghé B. transitive verb [cross over sth] 穿过 chuānguo cross through: transitive verb [cross sth through, cross through sth] 在…上画线 zài… shang huà xiàn text, name




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