词汇 | 存 |
释义 | 存 cún A. verb ① (存在) exist ▸ 父母俱存。 Both parents are still alive. → 存亡, 残存, 生存② (安顿) take shelter → 存身③ (蓄积) keep ▸ 存粮备荒 store up grain against famine ▸ 把货存起来 keep the goods in storage → 存食, 保存, 积存④ (储蓄) deposit ▸ 把钱存入银行 make a bank deposit → 存户, 存款, 存折⑤ (寄放) check ▸ 存行李 check in one’s baggage ▸ 存自行车 leave one’s bicycle in a bicycle park → 存车, 寄存⑥ (怀有) bear ▸ 不存幻想 be under no illusion ▸ 心存怀疑 harbour suspicions → 存心⑦ (保留) retain ▸ 他心直口快,肚子里存不住话。 He is outspoken and can’t hold anything back. → 存档, 存根, 求同存异B. noun goods in stock ▸ 收支相抵,净存2,000元。 The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan. → 结存, 库存 |
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