

cún A. verb 存在exist 父母俱存。 Both parents are still alive. 存亡, 残存, 生存 安顿take shelter 存身 蓄积keep 存粮备荒 store up grain against famine 把货存起来 keep the goods in storage 存食, 保存, 积存 储蓄deposit 把钱存入银行 make a bank deposit 存户, 存款, 存折 寄放check 存行李 check in one’s baggage 存自行车 leave one’s bicycle in a bicycle park 存车, 寄存 怀有bear 不存幻想 be under no illusion 心存怀疑 harbour suspicions 存心 保留retain 他心直口快,肚子里存不住话。 He is outspoken and can’t hold anything back. 存档, 存根, 求同存异B. noun goods in stock 收支相抵,净存2,000元。 The accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan. 结存, 库存




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