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ɡuà A. verb 悬挂hang (up) 挂蚊帐 put up a mosquito-net 墙上挂着一幅油画。 An oil painting was hanging on the wall. 他腰间挂了一大串钥匙。 A large ring of keys was hooked to his belt. 惦念care for 挂在心上 have sth on one’s mind 挂记, 挂念, 挂心 表面带着be coated (with) 窗户上挂了一层霜。 The window was frosted over. 她脸上挂着微笑。 There was a smile on her face. 搁置put aside 这事先挂一挂,下次开会再说吧。 Let’s put this matter to one side until the next meeting. 钩住get caught 钉子挂破了裤子。 The trousers caught on a nail and tore. 另一节车厢已挂上了。 Another railway carriage has been hooked on. 风筝挂在屋顶上了。 The kite got caught on the roof. 结束通话hang up 我还没来得及回答,他便把电话挂了。 Before I could reply, he hung up. 打电话put (sb) through 你的电话挂通了。 Your call has been put through. 她一回来就给我挂了电话。 She called through to me as soon as she came back. 登记register 给我挂外科。 I’d like to register for surgery. B. measure word 指成串的东西string 一挂鞭炮 a string of firecrackers 一挂珠子 a string of pearls 指畜力车[for a carriage]一挂马车 a horse and cart




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