

词汇 crown
crown | BrE kraʊn, AmE kraʊn | A. noun (of monarch) 王冠 wángguān ; (wreath) 花冠 huāguān a crown of thorns Bible 荆棘冠冕 the Crown (monarchy) 王位 wángwèi (reigning monarch) 君主 jūnzhǔ Crown property/estate 王室不动产 wángshì bùdòngchǎn British Law (prosecuting authority) the Crown 公诉方 gōngsùfāng a Crown witness 公诉证人 gōngsù zhèngren Sport (award, distinction) 桂冠 guìguān to fight for the world heavyweight crown 争夺世界重量级拳击冠军 (top of hill, mountain, hat, head) dǐng the crown of the road 路拱 (of bend) 最弯处 zuìwānchù Dentistry (part of tooth) 齿冠 chǐguān ; (artificial tooth) 假齿冠 jiǎ chǐguān B. transitive verb (invest as monarch) 为…加冕 wèi…jiāmiǎn king, queento crown sb king/queen/emperor 立某人为国王/王后/皇帝 (mainly Sport) 使…封冠 shǐ… fēngguān victorshe was crowned Wimbledon champion 她被宣布为温布尔登网球公开赛冠军 (cover, form top of) «trees, battlements» 覆盖在…的顶部 fùgài zài… de dǐngbù hill, towerto be crowned with sth; 顶部覆盖着某物 beautiful fair hair crowns her head 她长了一头美丽的金发 the Christmas tree was crowned with a gold star 圣诞树顶有一颗金色的星星 to be crowned with sth (culminate in) 以某事物完美收场 yǐ mǒu shìwù wánměi shōuchǎng the prize crowned her career 这个奖项使她的事业达到了顶峰 her efforts were crowned by success 她的努力获得圆满成功 to crown it all, I won informal 最令人高兴的是,我赢了 to crown it all, I lost my key ironic 最糟糕的是,我把钥匙丢了 informal (hit on the head) «person, object» 打…的头 dǎ… de tóu he nearly crowned himself when he stood up 他站起来时,差点儿碰着头 Dentistry «dentist» 为…镶假齿冠 wèi… xiāng jiǎ chǐguān tooth




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