

词汇 cry
cry | BrE krʌɪ, AmE kraɪ | A. intransitive verb (weep) ; (shed tears) 流泪 liúlèi to cry about or over sth; 为某事物而哭泣 to cry for sth/sb; (because of) 因为某事物/某人而哭泣 (calling for) 哭着要某物/某人 to cry with pain/hunger 疼/饿得直哭 to cry with laughter 笑出眼泪 to cry for joy 喜极而泣 to cry over spilt milk figurative 为无法挽回的事忧伤 (call out) = cry out A Zoology «bird» míng ; «animal» 嗥叫 háojiào B. transitive verb (weep) 流出 liúchū to cry tears of joy 喜极而泣 to cry oneself to sleep 哭到睡着 kū dào shuìzháo (shout) 大声表示 dàshēng biǎoshì approval, dismay; 大声发出 dàshēng fāchū warning; «vendor» 叫卖 jiàomài wares‘look out!’he cried “小心!”他喊道 C. noun (call) 叫喊 jiàohǎn ; (of vendor) 叫卖声 jiàomài shēng ; (in protest) 呐喊 nàhǎn to utter a cry 发出一声叫喊 a cry for help 呼救声 to be a cry for help/attention figurative 迫切需要帮助/注意 to be a far cry from sth 与某事物大相径庭 Zoology 叫声 jiàoshēng ; (huntsman) 吠声 fèi shēng to be in full cry literal 吠叫着紧追不舍 figurative 大声疾呼 dà shēng jí hū to be in full cry against sb «crowd» 激情呐喊反对某人 (demand) 呼声 hūshēng ; (slogan) 口号 kǒuhào a cry for/against sth; 支持/反对某事物的呼声 (weeping) ; (fit of weeping) 一阵哭泣 yīzhèn kūqì to have a good cry 大哭一场 to have a cry over sth; 因某事物而哭泣 PHRASAL VERBS cry down transitive verb [cry sth down, cry down sth] dated 贬低 biǎndī efforts, successcry off intransitive verb British informal 打退堂鼓 dǎ tuìtánggǔ to cry off from doing sth; 变卦不做某事 cry out A. intransitive verb (call out) 呼喊 hūhǎn ; (yell) 叫喊 jiàohǎn to cry out to sb; 朝某人叫喊 to cry out for sth/sb; literal 呼喊着要求得到某物/某人 figurative 迫切需要某物/某人 pòqiè xūyào mǒu wù/mǒu rén to cry out for help 大声呼救 for crying out loud! informal 我的天哪! to cry out in pain/ecstasy 痛得/狂喜得大叫 B. transitive verb to cry one's eyes/heart out 痛哭流涕 tòngkū liú tì




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