

词汇 discharge
discharge A. transitive verb | BrE dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ, AmE dɪsˈtʃɑrdʒ | (release) 允许…出院 yǔnxǔ… chūyuàn patient; 允许…退伍 yǔnxǔ… tuìwǔ serviceman, soldier (dismiss) 解雇 jiěgù employeeto discharge sb from their duties 撤某人的职 Law 释放 shìfàng prisoner, the accused; 解散 jiěsàn jury, juror (emit) 排放 páifàng smoke, water, waste Medicine 流出 liúchū blood, pus, mucus Finance 清偿 qīngcháng debt (perform) 履行 lǚxíng responsibility, obligation, duty (unload) 卸下 xièxia cargo, load; 让…下来 ràng… xiàlai passengers (fire) 击发 jīfā gun, firearms; 使用 shǐyòng weapon; 发射 fāshè arrowB. intransitive verb | BrE dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ, AmE dɪsˈtʃɑrdʒ | (flow) 流出 liúchū the river discharges into the sea five miles down the coast 那条河在海岸以南5英里处流入大海 Medicine «wound» 流脓 liúnóng Electricity 放电 fàngdiàn C. noun | BrE ˈdɪstʃɑːdʒ,dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ, AmE ˈdɪsˌtʃɑrdʒ | uncountable (release) (from hospital) 出院 chūyuàn ; (from employment) 解雇 jiěgù ; (from military service) 退伍 tuìwǔ to get one's discharge 被解雇 countable and uncountable (of liquid, gas) 排放 páifàng countable (substance released) 排放物 páifàngwù countable and uncountable Medicine 分泌物 fēnmìwù bodily discharges 身体分泌物 uncountable Finance 清偿 qīngcháng in discharge of sth 作为对某项债务的清偿 uncountable (performance) 履行 lǚxíng the discharge of his obligations 他的义务的履行 uncountable (firing) 发射 fāshè uncountable Electricity (electricity from charged object) 放电 fàngdiàn ; (flow of electricity) 电流 diànliú




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