

1 A. verb 握住hold 用一只手把方向盘 steer with one hand 控制monopolize 把着公司的大权 keep the power of the company in one’s own hands 把持 守卫guard 把住这个胡同口。 Keep watch at this end of the alley. 把关, 把门, 把守 固定chain 用角铁把住椅子腿 hold the chair leg in place with an angle iron dialect 靠近be close to 把门站着 stand at the door 把着巷口有个小酒馆。 There is a pub at the entrance of the lane. 托着孩子让其大小便hold a baby while it relieves itself 给孩子把尿 hold a baby to let it pee B. noun 把手handle 车把 bicycle handlebars 小捆物品bundle 草把 a bundle of straw 火把C. measure word 用于有柄或把手的物体[for sth in a bunch, with its legs parted, or with a handle]一把尺子/钥匙 a ruler/key 一把伞 an umbrella 用于某些抽象事物[for some abstract ideas]加把劲 make an extra effort 一把年纪的人 elderly person 用于与手有关的动作[for sth done with hand]擦把汗 wipe your sweat away 一把鼻涕一把泪 tearful and snivelling 要我帮一把吗? Can I give you a hand?




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