

qiánɡ A. adjective 健壮strong 身强体壮 healthy and strong 两强相遇,必有一场恶战。 There’ll be a fierce battle between the two powers. 强大, 强国, 富强 坚定staunch 强硬, 刚强, 坚强 横暴forceful 强夺 wrench sth out of sb’s hand 强索钱财 take money by force 强渡, 强奸, 强占 high-standard 能力强 be capable 责任心强 have a strong sense of responsibility 要强 优越superior 强于对手 be better than one’s opponent 他比我强得多。 He is way superior to me. 略多slightly over 四分之一强 slightly more than a quarter 实际产量超过原定计划10%强。 The actual output is a little more than 10 per cent beyond the original plan. B. verb strengthen 强身, 强心剂, 富国强兵 jiànɡ , qiǎnɡ




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