

ba auxiliary 用于舒缓语气[used at the end of an imperative sentence to soften the tone]快走吧! Please hurry up! 那就下周吧。 OK. Let’s make it next week. 表示疑问[used at the end of a question]你就是小李吧? You are Xiao Li, aren’t you? 大家都完成工作了吧? Have all of you finished the job? 表示揣测、估计[used at the end of a declarative sentence to indicate uncertainty]大概是前天吧。 It was probably the day before yesterday. 他大概不会来了吧。 He will not be coming, I suppose. 表示停顿[used before a pause after each one of a pair of opposite suppositions to imply a dilemma]去吧,不好; 不去吧,也不好。 Going will not do, but neither will not going.




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