

词汇 accident
accident | BrE ˈaksɪd(ə)nt, AmE ˈæksədənt | noun (mishap) 事故 shìgù to meet with/have an accident 碰上/出事故 a slight/serious/fatal accident 轻微/严重/致命的事故 accident and emergency service 急诊服务 I had an accident with the teapot 我不小心把茶壶打翻了 accidents will happen! 出意外是难免的! the baby's had a little accident euphemistic 婴儿拉到裤子里了 a chapter of accidents 接二连三的事故 (chance) 偶然的事 ǒurán de shì it is no accident that … …绝非偶然 by accident 意外地 he is rich by an accident of birth 他碰巧生来就富有




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