

zhěnɡ A. adjective 整齐tidy 衣冠不整 be slovenly in one’s dress 整然有序 be in good order 整洁, 整齐, 工整 完整whole 整机进口 import complete machines 整块土地 entire piece of land 12点整 twelve o’clock sharp 零存整取 saving by making fixed deposits by instalment 整个, 整套, 完整B. verb 整理put in order 整床铺 straighten out one’s bed 整顿, 整风, 休整 修理repair 整旧如新, 整容, 整修 dialect do 整几个菜下酒 prepare a few dishes to go with the wine 玩具被孩子们整坏了。 The toy was damaged by the children. informal 使吃苦头make things difficult for sb 你把我整得好苦。 You made me suffer a lot.




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