

词汇 bottle
bottle | BrE ˈbɒt(ə)l, AmE ˈbɑdl | A. noun countable (for drinks, perfume, medicine) píng ; (for baby) 奶瓶 nǎipíng a bottle of wine 一瓶葡萄酒 uncountable figurative informal (alcohol) to hit or take to the bottle 开始酗酒 kāishǐ xùjiǔ to be on the bottle 酗酒 xùjiǔ countable (gas cylinder) 钢瓶 gāngpíng oxygen/gas bottle 氧气瓶/煤气瓶 uncountable British informal (courage) 勇气 yǒngqì to lose one's bottle 丧失勇气 B. transitive verb (put in bottles) 把…装入瓶中 bǎ… zhuāngrù píng zhōng milk, wine, water British (preserve) 把…装瓶腌制 bǎ… zhuāng píng yānzhì fruit, vegetablesPHRASAL VERBS bottle out intransitive verb British informal 因惧怕而放弃 yīn jùpà ér fàngqì bottle up transitive verb [bottle sth up, bottle up sth] (suppress) 抑制 yìzhì emotionyou shouldn't bottle things or your feelings up 你不应该压抑情感 (confine) 限制 xiànzhì the blockade kept the navy bottled up in the harbour 海军被封锁在港口内




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