

词汇 brain
brain | BrE breɪn, AmE breɪn | A. noun Anatomy nǎo brain tissue/cell 脑组织/脑细胞 to blow sb's brains out informal 把某人的脑袋打开花 (mind) 智力 zhìlì to have a good brain 脑子聪明 to have football on the brain informal 对足球着迷 B. brains plural noun plus plural verb (intelligence) 智慧 zhìhuì to have brains 聪明 to use one's brains 动脑筋 plus singular verb informal (intelligent person) 聪明人 cōngmingrén she was the brains behind the operation 她是这次行动的策划者 C. transitive verb informal 猛击…的头部 měng jī… de tóubù




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