

1 zhé A. verb 使断break 折断树枝 snap off a twig 请勿攀折花木。 Please do not pick flowers or branches. 骨折 die 夭折 挫败defeat and frustrate 挫折, 百折不挠 损失lose 折寿, 损兵折将 打折扣discount 不折不扣 心服have confidence 折服 返回turn back 走到大门口又折了回来 turn back at the gate 这条河折向东流。 The river bends to the east. 折射, 转折 抵换substitute for 将功折罪 换算convert into 把美元折成人民币 convert US dollars into Renminbi把市斤折成公斤 convert jin into kilograms 折合, 折价, 折算B. noun 折扣discount 打八折 give a 20% discount 衬衫一律九折。 All shirts are at 10% off. 指笔画[in Chinese characters] turning stroke C. adjective bent 曲折, 周折D. measure word scene shé , zhē




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