

词汇 faint
faint | BrE feɪnt, AmE feɪnt | A. adjective (slight) 微弱的 wēiruò de sound, glowa faint smell/breeze 淡淡的气味/微风 (vague) 渺茫的 miǎománg de hope, chanceI haven't the faintest idea informal 我一点也不知道 (weak) 虚弱的 xūruò de voice, breathing; 淡淡的 dàndàn de smilefaint heart never won fair lady proverb 懦夫难赢美人心 predicative (dizzy) 眩晕的 xuànyùn de I'm faint with hunger 我饿得头昏眼花 (ineffectual) 无效的 wúxiào de attempt, show, protestB. noun uncountable 昏厥 hūnjué to fall into a (dead) faint (完全)昏厥 C. intransitive verb 昏厥 hūnjué to faint from … 因…昏厥




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