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wànɡ A. verb 远眺gaze into the distance 登山远望 climb a mountain and gaze far afield 放眼望去 look ahead as far as the eye can see 凝望, 守望 观察observe 望风, 望闻问切, 观望 希望expect 望回信。 Awaiting your reply. 望速归。 Hoping you’ll return as soon as possible. 望子成龙, 渴望, 期望 探视pay a visit 拜望, 看望, 探望 literary 怨恨hate 怨望 nurse a grudge B. noun 月圆的一天full moon 农历每月15日15th (sometimes the 16th or the 17th) day of a lunar month 望日, 朔望 声望reputation 德高望重, 名望 店铺标志shop sign in the form of a streamer 酒望 盼头range of vision, imagination, hope or expectation 丰收在望。 A bumper harvest is in sight. 胜利在望。 Victory is in sight. 厚望, 失望C. adjective reputable 望族D. preposition towards 望窗外看 look out of the window 望前看 look ahead 拖着疲惫的身子望家里走 drag oneself home




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