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diào verb 落下fall 掉头发 lose hair 掉眼泪 shed tears 掉雨点start to rain 掉进海里 fall into the sea 我衬衫上的一颗钮扣掉了。 One of the buttons on my shirt has come off. 丢失be missing 你掉什么东西了没有? Have you lost anything? 文章里掉了几个字。 Some words are missing from the article. 落后lag behind 一些士兵因疲劳而掉队。 Fatigued, some of the soldiers fell behind. turn 请把桌子掉过来。 Please turn the desk round. 她掉过脸去暗自流泪。 She turned her head away and shed silent tears. 减少drop 掉膘, 掉价 a 表除去[used after transitive verbs to indicate removal]擦掉 wipe off 扔掉 throw away 洪水冲掉了整个村庄。 The flood washed away a whole village. b 表离开[used after intransitive verbs to indicate departure]飞掉 fly away 跑掉 run away 调换exchange 掉座 swap seats 卖弄show off 掉书袋 回转swing 掉臂而去 walk out on someone




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