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bào A. noun literary bosom 怀抱B. verb 心存hold 抱有成见 be prejudiced 抱有希望 cherish a hope 不抱幻想 have no illusions 抱乐观/悲观态度 be optimistic/pessimistic 抱负, 抱恨 be in poor health 抱病 怀抱carry in the arms 抱着孩子 hold a baby in one’s arms 抱着一大堆书 hug a pile of books 抱膝而坐 sit with one’s arms around one’s knees 搂抱, 拥抱 初次得到have one’s first child/grandchild 听说她抱上孙子啦。 I hear she has become a grandmother. 收养adopt 他是她抱的孩子。 He’s her adopted son. 抱养 informal 团结hang together 大家抱成团准能成功。 If everybody clubs together, we are bound to be successful. hatch 抱小鸡 hatch chickens C. measure word armful 一抱鲜花 an armful of fresh flowers 这树有两抱粗。 It would take two people with their arms outstretched to reach around the tree.




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