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dài A. noun 区域belt 地震带 seismic belt 轮胎tyre 自行车带 bicycle tyre 汽车外带 truck tyre Physiology leucorrhoea 带下B. verb 携带carry 带把伞 take an umbrella 你带钱了吗? Do you have any money on you? 请你给她带个口信好吗? Would you mind taking a message to her? 她旅游时总是带着照相机。 She always carries a camera when she travels. 携带 带领lead 带队, 带路 捎带do sth incidentally 上街带包茶叶来。 Get me a bag of tea when you go shopping. 请随手把门带上。 Close the door behind you, please. 呈现have 面带笑容 with a smile on one’s face 含有carry 带偏见的报道 biased report 这黄瓜带点苦味This cucumber is a bit bitter to the taste. 带动drive 先进带后进。 The more advanced spur on the less advanced. 同时发生happen simultaneously 连说带笑 talking and laughing 看管raise 你的孩子现在谁带着呢? Who is looking after your child?




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