

5 ɡān A. adjective 不湿dry 把毛巾拧干 wring out a towel 擦干眼泪 dry one’s tears 感到口干 feel parched 衣服在阳光下很快就干了。 The clothes soon dried off in the sun. 油漆未干。 Wet paint! 干菜, 干旱, 干燥 枯竭dried up 把眼泪哭干 cry oneself dry 把沼泽地里的水排干 drain the swamps 水熬干了。 The water boiled away. 干涸, 外强中干 非血缘关系adopted 干妈, 干亲 不用水dry 干馏, 干洗 指酒料dry 干红, 干啤B. verb 使净尽empty 咱们干了这一杯! Let’s empty our glasses! 干杯 dialect 不理睬leave sb in the cold 别把客人干在那里。 Don’t leave the guests in the cold. C. adverb 白白地vainly 站在一旁干生气 look on vainly in fury 我不会在那干等。 I’ll not wait there for nothing. 干瞪眼, 干着急 不实地without real meaning 干号, 干笑D. noun dried food 杏/牛肉干 dried apricot/beef 豆腐干 dried bean curd ɡàn




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