

词汇 at
at | BrE at,ət, AmE æt,ət | preposition (indicating location) zài at the corner 在拐角处 be at church/the concert 在教堂做礼拜/在听音乐会 at work/school 在上班/上学 (indicating time) zài [某时间或时刻]at 2 o'clock/the weekend etc. 在两点钟/在周末等 at the time of doing sth 在做某事的时候 at this stage in the game British 在比赛的这个阶段 (indicating age) 在…岁时 zài… suì shí she got married at 25 她25岁结的婚 (indicating distance) 从相隔…远的地方 cóng xiānggé… yuǎn de dìfang I held it at arm's length 我伸直胳膊握着它 at fifty metres 在50米远处 (in the direction of) xiàng somebody threw paint at the prime minister 有人朝首相泼油漆 he clutched wildly at the rope 他拼命想抓住绳子 (indicating state or situation) 处于…状态 chǔyú… zhuàngtài be at war 正在交战 be at a disadvantage 处于不利地位 he's at lunch informal 他正在吃午饭 I've been (hard) at it all day informal 我整天都在(拼命)干 they're at it again! informal 他们又干起来了! at that 而且还 he managed to buy a car after all — and a nice one at that 他还是设法买了一辆汽车──而且还挺不错的 where sb is at informal 某人的处境 where it's at informal 热门活动/场所 while sb is at it informal 某人在做某事的同时 (followed by superlative) [处于最佳或最差等状态]at sb's/sth's best/worst etc.; 处于某人/某事物的最佳/最差状态等 the garden's at its most beautiful in June 六月的花园最美丽 she was at her best at 50 她50岁时达到了事业的巅峰 (indicating rate or speed) to drive at 70 mph 以每小时70英里的速度驾驶 at two-minute intervals 每隔两分钟 at £2.50 (each) 以(每件)2.5英镑的价格 three at a time 每次三个 (with respect to) 在…方面 zài… fāngmiàn she's hopeless at managing people/teaching 她对人事管理/教学一窍不通 (because of) 因为 yīnwèi be impatient/delighted at sth 对某事物不耐烦/感到高兴 formal (in response to) yìng at the chairman's invitation 应这位主席的邀请 I did it at his insistence 我是在他的坚持下做这件事的 informal (harassing) 缠着 chánzhe he's been (on) at me to buy a new car 他一直缠着要我买辆新汽车




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