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a auxiliary 表感叹[used at the end of a sentence to express appreciation]多好的天啊! What a fine day! 表强调[used at the end of a sentence to express agreement, defensiveness, urge, etc.]快去啊! Hurry up! 你可要小心啊! Do be careful! 我没有去是因为我有事啊。 I didn’t go because I had some other arrangement. 表疑问[used at the end of a sentence to express doubt]你吃不吃啊? Are you going to eat or not? 你这说的是真的啊? Is that so? 表停顿[used to indicate a pause to draw attention]这些年啊,我们的日子越过越好啦! Over the past few years, things have been getting better and better for us. 表列举[used in enumerating items]书啊,杂志啊,摆满了书架。 The bookshelf is filled with all sorts of books, magazines, etc. ā , á , ǎ , à




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