

词汇 attach
attach | BrE əˈtatʃ, AmE əˈtætʃ | A. transitive verb (fasten) 固定 gùdìng ; (to letter) 附上 fùshàng to attach a label to the suitcase 把标签贴在手提箱上 (connect to) 使附属 shǐ fùshǔ to be attached to a government department 隶属于政府部门 (attribute) 把…归于 bǎ… guīyú to attach blame to sb for sth 把某事的责任归于某人 to attach importance to the rumours 重视这些谣言 B. intransitive verb formal 归属 guīshǔ to attach to sb/sth; 与某人/某事物有关 C. to attach oneself reflexive verb to attach oneself to sb; 缠上某人 chánshang mǒu rén




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