

词汇 ache
ache | BrE eɪk, AmE eɪk | A. noun (physical) 疼痛 téngtòng I've got a dull ache in my left arm 我的左胳膊隐隐作痛 (emotional) 痛苦 tòngkǔ the ache in my heart did not diminish with time 我内心的痛苦并没有随着时间流逝而减轻 B. intransitive verb (suffer physically) 疼痛 téngtòng to ache all over 浑身疼痛 literary (suffer emotionally) 感到痛苦 gǎndào tòngkǔ to ache with … 因…而痛苦 humiliation, despairmy heart aches for the refugees 我非常同情那些难民 (yearn) to ache for sth 渴望某事物 kěwàng mǒu shìwù he just ached to see her again 他就是渴望再见到她




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