

quán A. noun literary 秤锤steelyard weight 权变adaptability 权变, 通权达变 权力power 决策权 decision-making power 掌握生杀大权 have the power over life and death 权钱交易 power-money deal 经理有权解雇职员。 The manager has the power to fire an employee. 权限, 当权, 授权, 政权 权利right 言论自由权 right of free speech 被告人有权保持沉默。 The defendant has the right to remain silent. 她因出生在英国而有英国公民权。 She is British by birthright. 版权, 人权, 特权 支配力量advantageous position 掌握主动权 have the initiative 霸权, 制空权B. verb weigh 权衡C. adverb temporarily 权充 act temporarily as 权作不知 pretend not to know for the moment 权且




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