

tiáo A. noun 枝条twig 柳条, 枝条 细长物strip 把布撕成条tear a piece of cloth into strips 他不在家,我给他留了个条He wasn’t in so I left him a note. 便条, 金条, 链条, 面条 长条形stripe 花条布 striped cloth 条案, 条幅, 条纹 条理order 井井有条, 有条不紊 分项item 条款, 条目B. measure word 用于细长物[for sth long, narrow or thin]两条腿 two legs 一条裤子 a pair of trousers 一条毛巾 a towel 用于条状物[for bar-shaped objects]两条肥皂 two bars of soap 一条烟 a carton of cigarettes 用于人[for people]三条人命 three human lives 父子俩两条心。 The father and the son were not of one mind. 用于逐条罗列[for sth that can be listed item by item]几条理由 several reasons 三条新闻 three pieces of news




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