

词汇 charge
charge | BrE tʃɑːdʒ, AmE tʃɑrdʒ | A. transitive verb (ask for as payment) 收取 shōuqǔ amount, sum, interest, commission; (ask as payment from) 向…收费 xiàng… shōufèi customer, clientshe charged me £3 for cleaning the windows 她擦窗户要了我3英镑 we charge postage to the customer or the customer for postage 我们向顾客收取邮资 (pay on account) 把…记在账上 bǎ… jì zài zhàng shang I never carry cash: I charge everything 我从不带现金,一切都记账 US (pay for with credit card) 用信用卡支付 yòng xìnyòngkǎ zhīfù don't worry: I'll charge it 别担心,我会用信用卡付款的 (make accusation against) 指责 zhǐzé ; Law (officially accuse of crime) 指控 zhǐkòng they charged her with murder/driving in excess of the speed limit 他们指控她谋杀/超速驾车 they charged him with hypocrisy/neglecting his duty 他们指责他虚伪/玩忽职守 Law (instruct) «judge» 向…发出指示 xiàng… fāchū zhǐshì jury (attack) «troops» 进攻 jìngōng enemy lines; «person, animal» 冲向 chōngxiàng person, fence formal (fill) 把…装满 bǎ… zhuāngmǎn containerplease charge your glasses and drink a toast to the bride and groom! 请各位斟满酒,为新娘和新郎干杯! formal (load) 为…装弹药 wèi… zhuāng dànyào firearm, shell (pervade) 使充满 shǐ chōngmǎn her voice was charged with anxiety 她的声音饱含焦虑 Electricity to charge (up) 给…充电 gěi… chōngdiàn battery, accumulator, capacitor formal (give responsibility to) 赋予…职责 fùyǔ… zhízé she was charged with organizing the reception 她负责组织招待会 they have charged me with an important mission 他们交给我一项重要的使命 B. intransitive verb (ask for payment) 收费 shōufèi to charge for delivery 收取送货费 (attack) «troops» 进攻 jìngōng ; «person, animal» 猛冲 měng chōng charge! Military 冲啊! the police charged towards the demonstrators 警察冲向示威者 the bull charged into the tree 公牛一头撞在树上 (rush) chōng he charged upstairs to answer the phone 他冲上楼去接电话 Electricity «battery» 充电 chōngdiàn C. noun uncountable and countable (fee) 费用 fèiyong free of charge 免费 uncountable (control) 主管 zhǔguǎn who's in charge here? 这里谁负责? to take charge 接管 to take charge of sb/sth 负责照管某人/负责某事物 to be in/have charge of sb/sth/of doing sth 负责照管某人/负责某事物/负责做某事 in or under sb's charge, in or under the charge of sb 由某人负责 to leave/put sb in charge (of sth/doing sth) 让某人负责(某事物/做某事) countable (attack) 进攻 jìngōng ; (onrush) 猛冲 měng chōng to mount a charge against sb/sth 对某人/某物发起进攻 a bayonet charge 白刃战 the bull lowered its head and made a charge towards or at the fence 公牛低头冲向围栏 countable (accusation) 指责 zhǐzé ; Law (against accused) 指控 zhǐkòng to make a charge against sb 指责某人 to drop the charges 撤销指控 to bring or press or prefer charges (against sb) 起诉(某人) to arrest sb on a charge of murder 以谋杀罪拘捕某人 countable Law (instruction) 指示 zhǐshì a charge to sb; 给…的指示 jury countable formal (sb in sb's care) 被照管的人 bèi zhàoguǎn de rén ; (sth in sb's care) 被照管的物品 bèi zhàoguǎn de wùpǐn the charges of a teacher 老师分管的学生 countable formal (task) 任务 rènwu ; (duty) 职责 zhízé countable (explosive) 炸药量 zhàyàoliàng uncountable and countable US informal (credit account) 赊购账 shēgòuzhàng is it cash or charge? 是付现金还是记账? uncountable and countable Physics 电荷 diànhè a positive/negative charge 正/负电荷 uncountable Electricity (amount of electricity) 电量 diànliàng is there any charge left in the battery? 电池还有电吗? a unit of electric charge 电量单位 uncountable and countable Electricity (act of filling with electricity) 充电 chōngdiàn on charge 在充电 countable dated (burden) 负担 fùdān




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