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词汇 根本
根本 ɡēnběn A. noun base 抓住问题的根本 get to the root of a problem 从根本上解决问题 tackle a problem at its source B. adjective basic 根本变化 fundamental change 根本利益 fundamental interests 根本原因 root cause C. adverb 压根at all 根本不当人看 simply not treat sb as a human being 那根本不是孩子该去的地方。 That is no place for a child. 他根本不是什么医生。 He is no doctor in the first place. 完全totally 问题已得到根本解决。 The matter has been settled once and for all. 我根本就不同意。 I totally disagree. 从来at all times 他根本不会做这种事。 He is quite above such conduct. 我根本就没见过他。 I’ve never seen him before.




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