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词汇 come
come | BrE kʌm, AmE kəm | A. intransitive verb past tense came past participle come (move towards) lái (I'm) coming! (我)来了! to come home 回家 huíjiā to come to sb; 来到某人跟前 to come to the door/phone 过来开门/接电话 to come by sth; «letter» 通过…寄来 airmail, special deliveryto come down/up sth; «person» 下/上 stairs «person, vehicle» 沿…下来/上来 yán… xiàlai/shànglai streethe fell coming down the ladder 他从梯子上跌了下来 a bus came up the hill 一辆公交车开上了山坡 to come into sth; 进入 jìnrù house, gardena train's coming into the station 火车正在进站 to come past; «procession, car» 经过 to come from school/work 从学校/上班的地方过来 a ball came over the fence 一个球越过栅栏飞来 to come through sth; 穿越…过来 town, tunnel 穿过…进来 chuānguò… jìnlai window, letterboxthe rain is coming through my coat 雨水浸透了我的外衣 tears came to his eyes 泪水涌上了他的双眼 to come together; 到一起 to come limping down the stairs 一瘸一拐地走下楼梯 to come streaming through sth «light» 从…泻入 glass, doorto not know whether one is coming or going 不知所措 (approach) 来做 lái zuò to come for/about sth; 为某事物而来 I've come about the ad 我是为广告的事来的 to come and do sth; 来做某事 come and help me move the bed 过来帮我搬一下床 to come for sb; 来找某人 the police came for him 警察来抓他 she came to me for advice/sympathy/money 她来征求我的意见/寻求我的同情/找我借钱 to come to sb's assistance or aid; 来帮助某人 to come close or near 接近 to come close to doing sth 差点做某事 he came close to a breakdown 他快要精神崩溃了 that doesn't come anywhere near what I asked for 这离我想要的差远了 (arrive) 来到 láidào to come to sth; 来到 láidào placehave any letters come? 有信吗? winter has come early 冬天来得早 wisdom comes with age 年长智慧增 opportunities that come your way 到你跟前的机会 happier days to come 未来的幸福日子 it came as a shock/surprise 这事令人震惊/惊讶 to come as sth (to a party) 打扮成某种样子出现 to come and go (be intermittent) 断断续续 (be transitory) 转瞬即逝 (be due) 应到来 yīng dàolái to take what's coming to one 认命 to get what's coming to one 遭到报应 he had it coming (to him) 他遭报应了 your turn will come 总会轮到你的 he has a lot of money coming to him 他将继承一大笔钱 informal (happen) 发生 fāshēng how come? 怎么会呢? how come you never married? 你怎么一直没结婚呢? come what may 不管怎样 come to think of it … 现在看来… (attend) 来参加 lái cānjiā to come to sth; 来参加 lái cānjiā eventcome to tea on Friday 星期五来喝茶 thank you for coming formal 谢谢光临 come as you are 你可以穿便装出席 (accompany sb) 一起去 yīqǐ qù to come and do sth with sb; 和某人一起去做某事 come skating with us 和我们一起去溜冰吧 (travel) 行进 xíngjìn we've come 200 miles 我们已经走了200英里 have you come far? 你走了很远吗? (reach) to come to sth; 到达某处 dàodá mǒu chù the dress came to her ankles 连衣裙长及她的脚踝 (be available) 可提供 kě tígōng to come in different styles/colours 提供各种样式/颜色 the T-shirt comes in three sizes 这种T恤有3个尺码出售 to come complete with sth; 配以某物出售 new cars don't come cheap 新车都不便宜 (end up) 达到 dádào [某程度]to come to like/dislike sth; 渐渐开始喜欢/讨厌某事物 to come to be known as …; 后来被称为… (start) 开始 kāishǐ when I came to open the window, I found it was jammed 我要开窗的时候发现它被卡住了 when you come to think of it, it's not so surprising 仔细想一想,其实不足为奇 (become) 变得 biàn de my shoelaces have come undone 我的鞋带松开了 it'll all come right in the end 最后一切都会好起来的 (be) to come easily to sb 对某人来说很轻松 duì mǒu rén lái shuō hěn qīngsōng I did what came naturally 我自自然然便这么做了 he's as clever as they come informal 他聪明极了 tā cōngming jí le as it comes 随便 suíbiàn (be situated) to come first/second (in ranking) 名列第一/第二 míng liè dì-yī/dì-èr (in importance) 最重要/居其次 zuì zhòngyào/jū qícì I came top in maths informal 我数学考了第一 wǒ shùxué kǎole dì-yī to come a close second 屈居第二 qūjū dì-èr family comes first; work comes second 家庭放在首位,工作其次 to come in the first act/chapter 出现在第一幕/章 chūxiàn zài dì-yī mù/zhāng informal (have orgasm) 达到性高潮 dádào xìnggāocháo ; (ejaculate) 射精 shèjīng come again? informal (asking for repetition) 再说一遍? zài shuō yī biàn ? B. transitive verb past tense came past participle come British derogatory informal (act) 假装 jiǎzhuāng she came the helpless female 她装得像个无助的女人 don't come the innocent with me! 别在我面前扮无辜! C. noun uncountable informal (semen) 精液 jīngyè D. preposition informal 到…时 dào… shí it'll be a year come June 到六月份就有一年了 E. exclamation (disapprovingly) come now, you know that's not true 得了吧,你知道那不是真的 (reassuringly) come now, don't be afraid 好啦, 别怕 hǎo la , bié pà PHRASAL VERBS come about intransitive verb (happen) 发生 fāshēng how did the discovery come about? 这一发现是如何产生的? Nautical 转向 zhuǎnxiàng come across A. intransitive verb (be conveyed) «idea, feeling» 得以传达 déyǐ chuándá his meaning didn't come across 他的意思没说清楚 her love of animals came across 她表现出了对动物的关爱 (give impression) 留下印象 liúxia yìnxiàng he came across badly/well 他给人留下了很坏/很好的印象 she came across as honest/an expert 她给人的印象很诚实/是个行家 B. transitive verb [come across sb/sth] (encounter) 遇见 yùjiàn person; 遇到 yùdào story, problem(by chance) 碰到 pèngdào old friend; 偶然发现 ǒurán fāxiàn lost objectcome after A. transitive verb [come after sb/sth] 追赶 zhuīgǎn he came after me with a gun 他拿着枪来追我 (be situated) 位于…之后 wèiyú… zhīhòu ; (in importance) 不如…重要 bùrú… zhòngyào B. intransitive verb (follow) 在…之后进行 zài… zhīhòu jìnxíng (succeed) 是继承人 shì jìchéngrén come along intransitive verb (arrive) 到达 dàodá (attend) to come along to 来参加 lái cānjiā eventcome along if you're free 你有空的话一定要来 come along!; (hurry) 快点! kuài diǎn ! (come here) 过来! guòlai ! (keep going) 加油! jiāyóu ! come along with … (accompany) 与…一起来 yǔ… yīqǐ lái (turn up) «person, fame» 出现 chūxiàn if the chance comes along 一旦有机会 to wait for success to come along 等待成功的到来 (make progress) «student, skill» 进步 jìnbù ; «injury, invalid» 好起来 hǎo qilai ; «plant, garden» 生长 shēngzhǎng ; «project» 进展 jìnzhǎn how's the dinner/thesis coming along? 晚饭吃得/论文写得怎么样了? my new play isn't coming along very well 我的新剧本写得不太顺利 come apart intransitive verb (fall apart) «toy, device» 破碎 pòsuì ; «shoes, clothes» 裂开 lièkāi ; «bundle» 散开 sànkāi the camera came apart in my hands 照相机在我手中散架了 (be designed to be dismantled) «toy, machine» 可拆卸 kě chāixiè the bed comes apart 这张床可以拆卸 (be separable) «pages, components» 可分开 kě fēnkāi come around intransitive verb (mainly US) = come roundcome at transitive verb [come at sb/sth] (rush towards) «attacker» 向…扑来 xiàng… pūlái figurative (be directed at) «questions, facts» 向…涌来 xiàng… yǒnglái ; «abuse, complaints» 向…袭来 xiàng… xílái (approach) 考虑 kǎolǜ come away intransitive verb (leave) 离开 líkāi (move away) 走开 zǒukāi come away from the window! 离开窗口! (end up) to come away disappointed/with a feeling of guilt 失望/内疚地离开 shīwàng/nèijiù de líkāi (become detached) «knob, wallpaper» 脱落 tuōluò ; «meat on bone» 分离 fēnlí the shelf has come away from the wall 架子从墙上掉下来了 come back intransitive verb (return) 回来 huílai come back soon! 早点回来! to come back home 回家 huíjiā to come back to sb; 回到某人身边 (turn back) «letter, person» 返回 fǎnhuí (visit again) 再来 zài lái (recur) «feeling» 再次出现 zàicì chūxiàn ; «rash, fever» 复发 fùfā the colour is coming back to her cheeks 她的脸上又有了血色 warm weather should come back next week 下周天气又将回暖 (recover) «person, team» 扳回 bānhuí to come back from a losing position 扭转不利局面 (be recalled) «event» 被回想起来 bèi huíxiǎng qilai ; «memory, skill, language» 恢复 huīfù (reply) 回应 huíyìng ; (in writing) 回复 huífù to come back with a better offer 以更优厚的报价答复 to come back with a sharp reply 给予尖锐反驳 (be popular again) «fashion» 再度流行 zàidù liúxíng miniskirts have come back 超短裙又开始流行了 (be restored) «system, law» 恢复 huīfù ; «regime» 复辟 fùbì capital punishment will never come back 死刑将永不恢复 (after death) 复活 fùhuó to come back as sth 来生做某物 come back to: transitive verb [come back to sth] 回到 huídào to keep coming back to the same topic 总是回到同一个话题 to come back to what you were saying, … 回到你刚才所说的问题,… come before transitive verb [come before sb/sth] (be presented for discussion or decision) «question, case» 交由…讨论 jiāo yóu… tǎolùn panel, boardto come before the court/judge 提交法庭/法官审理 come between transitive verb [come between sb and sb] (divide) «person, belief» 使失和 shǐ shīhé don't let this come between us 别因此伤了我们的和气 (prevent from achieving, pursuing) 妨碍 fáng'ài to let a problem come between sb and sth 因一个问题而妨碍某人做某事 nothing comes between me and my football! 没什么能阻碍我对足球的喜爱! come by A. intransitive verb informal (visit) 串门 chuànmén to come by for a chat 来这里聊聊天 you must come by with the baby 你一定要带着宝宝来坐坐 (get past) «vehicle, person» 过去 guòqu do you want to come by? 你想过去吗? let the car come by 让车先过去 B. transitive verb [come by sth] (call at) 来…一趟 lái… yī tàng can you come by the office on your way home? 你回家时能顺便来办公室一趟吗? (get) 获得 huòdé fame, success; 得到 dédào money, wealth, propertyto come by an injury 受伤 hard to come by 很难找到 come down intransitive verb (move lower) «person, blind, cable car» 下来 xiàlai to come down from sth; 从某处下来 what goes up must come down 怎么来的还得怎么去 Theatre «curtain» 落下 luòxia Meteorology «rain, mist» 降下 jiàngxia to come down in torrents 大雨滂沱 the fog came down 起雾了 Aviation (land) «pilot, plane» 着陆 zhuólù ; (crash) 坠落 zhuìluò (fall) «tree» 倒下 dǎoxia ; «house» 倒塌 dǎotā ; «hem» 垂下 chuíxia to come down in a storm 在暴风雨中倒塌 (be demolished) 被推倒 bèi tuīdǎo (be removed) «picture, curtains» 被摘下 bèi zhāixia it's time the picture came down 该把那幅画拿下来了 (from north) 南下 nánxià ; (from larger place) 下来 xiàlai to come down for a few days 过来住几天 to come down from London 从伦敦过来 to come down to sth (reach) «hair, dress» 垂及 chuí jí his trousers barely came down to his ankles 他的裤脚刚及脚踝 (decrease) «temperature, pressure, demand» 下降 xiàjiàng ; «price» 下跌 xiàdiē to come down from 5% to 1% 从5%降到1% (be passed on) «tradition, property» 传下来 chuán xialai to come down to sb; 传给某人 sth that has come down through the ages 世代流传的某事物 to come down from the Middle Ages 从中世纪流传下来 Administration (decide) 决定 juédìng to come down against sb 宣布反对某人 British University dated [尤指从牛津或剑桥大学] 毕业 bìyè come down on: transitive verb [come down on sb/sth] (rebuke) 斥责 chìzé ; (criticize) 指责 zhǐzé ; (penalize) 处罚 chǔfá ; (punish) 惩罚 chéngfá ton 1come down to: transitive verb [come down to sth] 可归结为 kě guījié wéi it comes down to … 实质上是… what it came down to was that … 归结起来就是… come down with: transitive verb [come down with sth] 生…病 shēng… bìng come forward intransitive verb (move to front) 走上前来 zǒu shàng qián lái ; (towards speaker) 过来 guòlai (step up) to come forward as; 主动来当 zhǔdòng lái dāng witness, volunteerto come forward to join sth 前来参加某事 qiánlái cānjiā mǒu shì to come forward with; 主动提供 zhǔdòng tígōng information, offerto come forward to give evidence 站出来作证 zhàn chulai zuòzhèng come from transitive verb [come from sth] (be obtained from) «substance» 由…制成 yóu… zhìchéng ; (be produced in) «product» 产自 chǎnzì to come from far and wide 来自四面八方 wine comes from grapes 葡萄酒是用葡萄酿制的 the fabric comes from China 这种布料产自中国 (be derived from) «word» 源于 yuányú languageto come from Old English 源自古英语 (originate from or in) «song, quotation» 出自 chūzì book, musical, collection; «person, object» 来自 láizì place; «noise, smell» 从…传来 cóng… chuánlai place; «attitude, style» 源于 yuányú experience, eracoming from him, that's quite a compliment! 从他嘴里说出来,那可是相当高的赞誉呢! where do you come from? 你是哪里人? (be descended from) 出身于 chūshēn yú I see where you're coming from informal 我明白你的意思了 come in intransitive verb (enter) 进来 jìnlai come in! 请进! (penetrate) «water» 渗入 shènrù ; «wind, air» 进入 jìnrù rain came in through a hole 雨水从洞里漏进来了 (towards land) «tide» 上涨 shàngzhǎng ; «flotsam, smell» 上岸 shàng'àn a cool wind coming in from the sea 海上吹来的一阵凉风 (arrive) «train, plane, ship» 到达 dàodá has the Glasgow train come in yet? 从格拉斯哥来的列车到站了没有? (finish in race) 取得…名次 qǔdé… míngcì she came in third 她获得第三名 (be earned) 被挣得 bèi zhèng dé money coming in from investments 投资所得的收入 (be received) «letter, report» 送达 sòngdá the telephone bill hasn't come in yet 电话账单还没收到 letters came in from all over the country 信从全国各地寄来 (return) 回来 huílai ; (go home) 回家 huíjiā Sport «batsman» 开球 kāiqiú Politics «candidate» 当选 dāngxuǎn ; «party» 开始执政 kāishǐ zhízhèng (become popular) «fashion» 流行 liúxíng to come in in the 1960s 流行于20世纪60年代 (come into use) 开始被采用 kāishǐ bèi cǎiyòng (be available) 到货 dàohuò ; (be in season) 上市 shàngshì winter clothes come in as early as August 冬装早在八月就已到货 strawberries don't come in until June 草莓要到六月才上市 (start off) 开始 kāishǐ (interject) 插话 chāhuà let me come in here … 说到这儿我来插句话吧… Telecommunications (reply) 回答 huídá come in, please 请回答 (participate) 参加 cānjiā to come in on sth; 参与 deal, ventureto come in on a project 加入某项目 informal (serve a purpose) 起作用 qǐ zuòyòng where does Sue come in? 苏与此有何关系? we need A, B, and C — where does C come in? 我们需要A、B和C──要C干吗? (prove to be) to come in handy or useful «item, skill» 会有用 huì yǒuyòng to come in handy or useful as sth «item, skill» 可派上某用场 kě pàishang mǒu yòngchǎng come in for: transitive verb [come in for sth] 受到 shòudào criticism, praisecome into transitive verb [come into sth] (inherit) 继承 jìchéng to come into a fortune 继承一笔财产 (be relevant) to come into it «skill, age, quality» 重要 zhòngyào good health also comes into it 身体健康也很重要 come of: transitive verb [come of sth] 是…的结果 shì… de jiéguǒ no good will come of this 这不会有好结果的 this is what comes of being soft-hearted 这就是心软的下场 come off A. intransitive verb (fall off) «hat, button, cover» 掉下 diàoxia ; «rider» 摔下 shuāixia (become detached) «knob, wheel» 脱落 tuōluò ; «paint, wallpaper» 剥落 bōluò the label won't come off 标签撕不下来 to come off on sth «lipstick» 印到…上 collar(be removed) «clothes» 被脱掉 bèi tuōdiào ; «lid, hood, glasses» 被取下 bèi qǔxia my ring won't come off 我的戒指脱不下来了 (wash off) «stain, writing» 被去掉 bèi qùdiào to come off with a damp cloth «mark» 被用湿布擦去 indelible ink doesn't come off 不褪色墨水是擦不掉的 (on exit road) 驶离公路 shǐlí gōnglù to come off at junction 2 在2号岔口驶下高速公路 Sport 被换下场 bèi huàn xiàchǎng (take place) «event» 举行 jǔxíng ; «show» 举办 jǔbàn ; «deal, merger» 发生 fāshēng did your trip to France ever come off? 你的法国之旅成行了吗? informal (fare) to come off worst/best 彻底失败/大获全胜 chèdǐ shībài/dà huò quánshèng to come off the winner/loser 成为赢家/输家 chéngwéi yíngjiā/shūjiā we came off quite well in that deal 我们那笔生意谈得不错 informal (succeed) «attempt, trick» 成功 chénggōng Theatre, Television (stop) 停演 tíngyǎn to come off after two weeks «show» 两周后停演 B. transitive verb [come off sth] (fall off) «cover» 从…上掉下 cóng… shang diàoxia bed; «button» 从…上掉落 cóng… shang diàoluò device, appliance; «rider» 摔下 shuāixia horse, cycle, motor cycle(leave) 驶离 shǐlí roadto come off the motorway at … 在…处驶离高速公路 (become detached from) «knob, label» 从…上脱落 cóng… shang tuōluò door, clothes; «paint, wallpaper» 从…上剥落 cóng… shang bōluò wall(be detachable from) «top, hood» 可从…卸下 kě cóng… xièxia do the legs come off the table? 桌子腿可以卸下来吗? the lid won't come off the jar 坛子盖打不开 (be washed from) «mark, writing» 从…上被除去 cóng… shang bèi chúqù clothes, paperthe stains came off his shirt 他衬衣上的污渍洗掉了 (be deducted from) «amount, money» 从…中被减去 cóng… zhōng bèi jiǎnqù price, wages3% has come off interest rates 利率已下降了3% (stop work on) 停下 tíngxià projectto come off the case 停下手头的案子 informal (stop using) to come off drugs/alcohol 戒毒/戒酒 jièdú/jièjiǔ come off it! informal (expressing disagreement) 别胡说! bié húshuō ! come on A. intransitive verb Theatre, Music «band, actor» 登台 dēngtái ; Sport «player» 上场 shàngchǎng to come on for or in place of sb 顶替某人上场 (follow) 跟随 gēnsuí you'd better go: I'll come on later 你快动身吧,我随后就到 come on!; (urging) 加油! jiāyóu ! (hurrying) 快点! kuài diǎn ! (expressing disbelief) 得了吧! déle ba ! (as challenge) 来! lái ! come on, this way! 来呀,往这儿走! lái ya , wǎng zhèr zǒu ! come on, it's safe! 没事的,很安全! méishì de , hěn ānquán ! come on: tell me what happened! 快点,告诉我发生了什么事! come on, you're okay 喂,你行的 wèi , nǐ xíng de come on in/out/down/up! 快进来/快出来/快下来/快上来吧! kuài jìnlai/kuài chūlai/kuài xiàlai/kuài shànglai ba ! come on, we're late! 快点,我们要迟到了! come on! hit me! 来呀!打我啊! lái ya ! dǎ wǒ ɑ ! (make progress) «student, skill» 进步 jìnbù ; «patient, injury» 恢复 huīfù ; «plant, garden» 生长 shēngzhǎng ; «work, book» 进展 jìnzhǎn how are the new recruits coming on? 新兵的情况怎么样? how's your arm? — it's coming on 你的手臂怎么样了?──正在恢复 her piano playing is really coming on 她的钢琴弹得真是越来越好听了 (begin) «illness» 开始 kāishǐ ; «darkness, season» 到来 dàolái I've got a cold coming on 我要感冒了 winter is coming on 冬天来了 before night came on 在天黑前 (be turned on) «electricity, water» 开始供应 kāishǐ gōngyìng ; «appliance, heating» 开始运行 kāishǐ yùnxíng the power came back on 恢复供电了 Theatre 上演 shàngyǎn ; Television 播出 bōchū the show's coming on! 演出就要开始了! B. transitive verb = come uponcome on to: transitive verb [come on to sth] (deal with) 开始谈论 kāishǐ tánlùn to come on to the question later 以后再讨论那个问题 [come on to sb] informal (flirt with) 与…调情 yǔ… tiáoqíng he came on to her in the bar 他在酒吧里和她调情 come out intransitive verb (leave place) «person, vehicle» 出来 chūlai to come out of hospital 出院 to come out from behind/under etc. sth; 从某物后面/下面等出来 British (strike) 罢工 bàgōng to come out on strike 举行罢工 (openly acknowledge one's homosexuality) 出柜 chūguì [即公开自己的同性恋身份] (fall out) «nail, lens» 脱落 tuōluò ; «hair, tooth» 掉落 diàoluò (be sociable) 变得外向 biàn de wài xiàng (be removable) «drawer» 可拉出 kě lāchū ; «cork, plug» 可拔出 kě báchū (be emitted) «fluid, air» 喷出 pēnchū smoke came out of the chimney 烟囱里冒着烟 (be removed) «dirt» 去掉 qùdiào ; «colour» 褪色 tuìshǎi ; «wrinkles» 消失 xiāoshī (be deleted) «word» 被删去 bèi shānqù that paragraph can come out 那一段可以删去 (be produced) «model, product» 上市 shàngshì ; «book» 出版 chūbǎn ; «film, CD» 发行 fāxíng (rise) «stars, sun» 升起 shēngqǐ ; (emerge) «sun» 露出 lùchū the sun came out 太阳出来了 (come into bloom) 开花 kāihuā the daffodils came out early 水仙花开得早 (erupt) «rash» 出现 chūxiàn (become known) «truth, secret» 被获知 bèi huòzhī the results came out 结果出来了 it's all coming out now! 一切真相大白了! (be shown) «quality, feelings» 显露出来 xiǎnlù chulai his true feelings come out in his attitude 他的态度流露出真实感情 the meaning doesn't come out in this translation 这篇译文没有表达出这层意思 Photography, Printing (be processed) «photo» 冲洗出来 chōngxǐ chulai ; «copy» 复制出来 fùzhì chulai ; (be reproduced) «detail, object» 复制效果… fùzhì xiàoguǒ… to come out well in a photo 照片冲洗效果好 to come out clearly 印得清晰 red won't come out on the photocopy 红色复印不出来 (end up) 结果是 jiéguǒ shì ; (be placed) 位居 wèijū to come out all right 一切顺利 to come out of sth a loser/winner 做某事以失败告终/最终取得胜利 to come out on top 结果名列前茅 to come out first/bottom in the exam 在考试中名列第一/垫底 (state one's position) to come out against/in favour of sb/sth; 公开反对/支持某人/某事物 gōngkāi fǎnduì/zhīchí mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù to come out in support of sb/sth; 公开表明对某人/某事物的支持 gōngkāi biǎomíng duì mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù de zhīchí (be said) «remark, words» 被说出 bèi shuōchū that didn't come out as I intended 我说这话是有口无心 come out at: transitive verb [come out at sth] «price, total» 共计 gòngjì amountto come out at a rate of 3% 总计费率为3% come out in: transitive verb [come out in sth] [皮肤上] chū rashto come out in spots 起丘疹 to come out in a cold sweat 冒出一身冷汗 come out of transitive verb [come out of sth] (originate in) «person, thing» 来自 láizì one of the songs that have come out of Ireland 源于爱尔兰歌谣中的一首 (result from) 由…产生 yóu… chǎnshēng something good came out of the disaster 这场灾难也产生了一些积极的东西 come out with: transitive verb [come out with sth] 说出 shuōchū to come out with extraordinary/rude remarks 语出惊人/说话粗鲁 just come straight out with it! 直说吧! come over A. intransitive verb (travel) [尤指越过海洋] 过来 guòlai (approach) 走近 zǒujìn she came over to my desk 她走到我的桌子旁 (drop in) 造访 zàofǎng come over and see us 来看望我们 (change sides) 改变立场 gǎibiàn lìchǎng to come over to sth; 转而加入某一方 to come over to our side 转而加入我们这一边 (be conveyed) «message, feeling» 得以传达 déyǐ chuándá her love of animals came over 她表现出了对动物的关爱 (give impression) 留下印象 liúxia yìnxiàng to come over badly/well 给人的印象差/好 British informal (start to be) 开始变得 kāishǐ biàn de ; (start to feel) 突然感觉 tūrán gǎnjué to come over all misty-eyed 突然眼泪汪汪 B. transitive verb [come over sb] «attack, fit, sense» 突然影响 tūrán yǐngxiǎng a feeling of relief came over me 我顿时感到松了一口气 I don't know what came over me 我不知道我是怎么了 come round intransitive verb (mainly British) (make detour) 绕道 ràodào we had to come round the other way 我们不得不绕道过来 (circulate) «waiter» 走来走去 zǒu lái zǒu qù (visit) 拜访 bàifǎng do come round and see us 一定要来看望我们 to come round for dinner 来家里吃晚饭吧 (occur) «holiday, season» (再次)来临 (zàicì)láilín to come round more quickly every year 一年比一年来得快 to wait until sth comes round 一直等到某事物到来 (awake from unconscious state) 苏醒 sūxǐng ; (from trance) 回过神 huíguoshén ; (from sleep) 醒来 xǐnglai (change mind) 改变看法 gǎibiàn kànfa she finally came round to our way of thinking 她终于转而认同了我们的想法 come through A. intransitive verb (penetrate) «light» 穿过 chuānguo the heat is coming through 热气透进来了 (be received) «news, signal» 传来 chuánlái the call hasn't come through 电话还没来 there's a call coming through 有一个电话打进来 (arrive) «results, orders» 到来 dàolái to wait for sth to come through 等待某事物获准 (survive) 挺过 tǐngguo he was very ill, but he came through 虽然病得很厉害,但他还是熬过来了 he came through without a scratch 他毫发无损地幸存了下来 (be evident) «quality, devotion» 显露出来 xiǎnlù chulai her personality comes through in her art 她的个性表现在艺术作品中 B. transitive verb [come through sth] (penetrate) «light» 透过 tòuguo cloth; «ink» 浸透 jìntòu paperthe sweat came through his shirt 汗水浸透了他的衬衫 (survive) 挺过 tǐngguo crisis, war; 经历…后活下来 jīnglì… hòu huó xialai operation, illness; 熬过 áoguo recessioncome to A. intransitive verb (awake from unconscious state) 苏醒 sūxǐng ; (from trance) 回过神 huíguoshén ; (from sleep) 醒来 xǐnglai she's coming to 她开始苏醒了 Nautical «ship» 停住 tíngzhù B. [come to sth] transitive verb (amount to) «total, expenses» 共计 gòngjì amountwhat did the bill come to? 账单总共多少钱? (result in) 得到结果 dédào jiéguǒ will it come to a fight? 会打起来吗? to come to nothing 没有结果 all her efforts came to nothing 她的一切努力均付诸东流 his plans never came to anything 他的计划均毫无成效 to not come to much 不很成功 I didn't think it would come to this! 我没想到事情会发展到这一步! when it comes to it 在关键时刻 (pertain to) 涉及 shèjí when it comes to sth 说到某事物 when it comes to work, he’s useless 说到工作,他一无是处 come to that … British (when adding remark) 说到这一点… C. [come to sb] transitive verb (be recalled or realized) 被…想到 bèi… xiǎngdào it'll come to me soon 我很快就会想起来的 it suddenly came to her that … 她突然意识到… come under transitive verb [come under sth] (be subjected to) 受到 shòudào influence, criticism, pressure; 遭到 zāodào attackthe document came under close scrutiny 这份文件已经仔细审查过了 (be classified under) 属于 shǔyú to come under different headings 分属不同的题目 hawks come under ‘birds of prey’ 鹰属于“猛禽类” come up intransitive verb (ascend) 上来 shànglai ; «diver» 浮上来 fú shanglai ; (climb stairs) 上楼 shànglóu come up to the attic 上阁楼来 (emerge) «plant» 破土发芽 pòtǔ fāyá (rise) «sun» 升起 shēngqǐ (be vomited) «food» 被吐出 bèi tǔchū her lunch came up 她把午饭吐了 (reach) «water, plant» 达到 dádào the tide came up to the road 潮水漫到了路上 the boots come up to my knees 靴子长及我的膝部 (approach) 靠近 kàojìn a van came up and … 一辆货车开过来,然后… he came up to me 他走到我跟前 (occur) «job, opportunity» 出现 chūxiàn chances like this don't come up very often 这样的机会不常有 did something come up? 发生了什么事吗? (happening soon) «event» 即将发生 jíjiāng fāshēng the show is coming up 很快就要开始演出了 he's coming up to retirement 他快退休了 coming up next: … 接下来是… … coming up! …马上就好! (be mentioned) 被提起 bèi tíqǐ I was afraid that might come up 我担心会提到那件事 (from south) 北上 běishàng ; (from smaller place) 上到 shàng dào she often comes up to London 她经常上伦敦来 (be handled) 被处理 bèi chǔlǐ her case comes up next week 她的案子将于下周审理 she came up before the board 她被交由董事会处置 British University dated 上大学 shàng dàxué [尤指上牛津或剑桥大学]she came up to Oxford to study law 她进了牛津大学攻读法律 (be drawn in lottery) 中奖 zhòngjiǎng come up against transitive verb [come up against sb/sth] 面对 miànduì obstacle, challenge; 遭遇 zāoyù rival, championcome up for transitive verb [come up for sth] (be candidate for) 成为…的候选人 chéngwéi… de hòuxuǎnrén he's coming up for promotion 他是此次晋升的候选人 (be about to undergo) 即将经受 jíjiāng jīngshòu to come up for auction/sale 即将被拍卖/降价出售 come upon transitive verb [come upon sb/sth] (meet) 碰见 pèngjiàn (find) 意外发现 yìwài fāxiàn missing itemif you come upon a better idea, … 如果你碰巧想到了一个更好的主意,… (attack) 袭击 xíjī person, animal(affect) 影响 yǐngxiǎng the feeling/realization gradually came upon me that … 我慢慢感觉到/意识到… come up to: transitive verb [come up to sth] 达到 dádào standardthe performance didn't come up to our expectations 演出没有我们预想的那么好 come up with transitive verb [come up with sth] (think of) 想到 xiǎngdào idea, planwhat excuse did she come up with? 她找了个什么借口? (mainly derogatory) (produce) 拿出 náchū ; (find) 找到 zhǎodào what brainwave has he come up with now? 他又想出了什么妙计? is this the best room you can come up with? 这是你们能找到的最好的房间了?




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