

词汇 come by
come by A. intransitive verb informal (visit) 串门 chuànmén to come by for a chat 来这里聊聊天 you must come by with the baby 你一定要带着宝宝来坐坐 (get past) «vehicle, person» 过去 guòqu do you want to come by? 你想过去吗? let the car come by 让车先过去 B. transitive verb [come by sth] (call at) 来…一趟 lái… yī tàng can you come by the office on your way home? 你回家时能顺便来办公室一趟吗? (get) 获得 huòdé fame, success; 得到 dédào money, wealth, propertyto come by an injury 受伤 hard to come by 很难找到




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