

词汇 拉扯
拉扯 lāche verb 拖曳drag 他要想走,谁也拉扯不住他。 If he wants to go, no one can hold him back. 抚养take pains to raise 把孩子拉扯大 bring up one’s children with great difficulty 帮助support 他的上司有心拉扯他一把。 His boss had a mind to help him on his way. 勾结gang up with 他是个很会拉扯和找门道的人。 He knows how to strike up an acquaintance and take advantage of it. 牵扯implicate 你们吵架,别把我拉扯进去。 Don’t drag me into your quarrels. 闲谈chat 我没工夫跟你拉扯。 I’m too busy to chat with you.




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