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词汇 come up
come up intransitive verb (ascend) 上来 shànglai ; «diver» 浮上来 fú shanglai ; (climb stairs) 上楼 shànglóu come up to the attic 上阁楼来 (emerge) «plant» 破土发芽 pòtǔ fāyá (rise) «sun» 升起 shēngqǐ (be vomited) «food» 被吐出 bèi tǔchū her lunch came up 她把午饭吐了 (reach) «water, plant» 达到 dádào the tide came up to the road 潮水漫到了路上 the boots come up to my knees 靴子长及我的膝部 (approach) 靠近 kàojìn a van came up and … 一辆货车开过来,然后… he came up to me 他走到我跟前 (occur) «job, opportunity» 出现 chūxiàn chances like this don't come up very often 这样的机会不常有 did something come up? 发生了什么事吗? (happening soon) «event» 即将发生 jíjiāng fāshēng the show is coming up 很快就要开始演出了 he's coming up to retirement 他快退休了 coming up next: … 接下来是… … coming up! …马上就好! (be mentioned) 被提起 bèi tíqǐ I was afraid that might come up 我担心会提到那件事 (from south) 北上 běishàng ; (from smaller place) 上到 shàng dào she often comes up to London 她经常上伦敦来 (be handled) 被处理 bèi chǔlǐ her case comes up next week 她的案子将于下周审理 she came up before the board 她被交由董事会处置 British University dated 上大学 shàng dàxué [尤指上牛津或剑桥大学]she came up to Oxford to study law 她进了牛津大学攻读法律 (be drawn in lottery) 中奖 zhòngjiǎng




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