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kuài A. adjective 快速fast 跑得快 run fast 学业进步很快 make rapid progress in one’s studies 车子越开越快了。 The car is gaining speed. 快马加鞭 敏捷quick-witted 反应快 be quick in response 她脑子快。 She is quick-witted. 眼明手快 锋利sharp 这把斧子很快。 The axe is very sharp. 直爽straightforward 快人快语, 爽快, 心直口快 快乐happy 拍手称快 clap and cheer 不快 feel unhappy 大快人心, 亲痛仇快, 先睹为快B. noun speed 开快车 drive fast 你的摩托车能跑多快? How fast can your motorcycle go? C. adverb 赶快quickly 快请大夫来。 Go and fetch a doctor, and be quick about it. 快回去干活! Hurry back to your work! 即将soon 春节快到了。 Spring Festival is drawing near. 天快亮了。 Soon it will be dawn. 那位老人快90岁了。 The old man is nearly 90.




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