

词汇 break out
break out A. intransitive verb (start) «war, argument, plague» 爆发 bàofā fire broke out on the third floor 大火是从三楼烧起来的 (appear) «spots, pimples» 突然冒出 tūrán màochū to break out over/on sth; 突然布满某处 sweat broke out all over his body 他突然冒出一身汗 (escape) 逃脱 táotuō to break out of sth; 逃出 cage, trap摆脱 bǎituō routine, rut, depressionto break out of prison 越狱 yuèyù B. transitive verb [break sth out, break out sth] 打开…使用 dǎkāi… shǐyòng shall we break out the champagne? 我们开了这瓶香槟酒吧?




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