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jiānɡ A. verb literary 带着bring 挈妇将雏 bring one’s wife and children along 保养take care of one’s health 将息, 将养 literary fetch 将宝剑来。 Bring me the sword. 指下象棋check 他没走几步棋就把我将死了。 He checkmated my king in under several moves. 激将incite sb to action 你再将他也没用。 It’s no use egging him on. literary 处理handle 慎重将事 handle a matter with care B. preposition with 将鸡蛋碰石头 hit the stone with an egg 将错就错, 将功折罪, 恩将仇报 [used in the same way as 把]将医生请来 send for a doctor 将灯打开。 Turn on the light. C. adverb will 我将尽力而为。 I will try my best to do it well. D. auxiliary dialect [used between a verb and its complement of direction]唱将起来 start to sing 走将出来 walk out jiànɡ , qiānɡ




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