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suàn A. verb 计算calculate 扳着指头算 count on one’s fingers 算一算你一共有多少钱 figure out how much money you’ve got 算账, 结算, 预算 计划project 算计, 打算, 盘算 估计guess 我算准她今天会来。 I reckon she will come today. 包括factor in 算在总数内 include in the total 你把邮费算在内了吗? Have you factored in the cost of postage? 我也算一个。 Count me in. 认作regard as 从年龄看,我的身体还算好。 My health is good for my age. 他根本算不上一个诗人。 He really isn’t a poet. 他算是个好人。 You could say he’s a good man. 表示不计较let it pass 算了,我们走吧。 That’s enough! Let’s go. 我们就这样算了吗? Shall we let it go at that? 算数count 我的损失跟你的相比根本算不了什么。 My losses are nothing to yours. 这里我说了不算。 What I say doesn’t count here. B. adverb finally 到月底才算有了结果。 There was no result until the end of the month. 我儿子总算回来啦! My son is home at last!




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